You do realise, I trust, that everything we were told & every measure imposed was lies?

Accomplished nothing but the destruction you describe.

That’s the evil. It’s been done on purpose, as part of breaking down society en route to digital totalitarian tyranny.

Mark my words.

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I have been following what you have had to say for some time. Thank you for all you have been doing. I am sure it has been very costly and I admire you for speaking up so courageously. This is why I think it is so important for us to constantly seek after truth. Rod Dreher's excellent book 'Live not by Lies' shows what is happening in our society and how we are already living under 'soft totalitarianism'. If we don't take a stand against it, there is worse to come.

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I agree with you wholeheartedly. Live not by lies is a striking exhortation.

We will take a stand.

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