Bridgen knew things about these MRNA injections as early as November 2020 …he sat on that information and said nothing …. Malhotra gave the jabs ….John Campbell encouraged people to be experimented on …

Please …do not trust such …they are all guilty …

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You make a very good point, but the thing is we can't live like that indefinitely. People make mistakes. People can change, and can change their minds. As a Christian I firmly believe that - it is at the very essence of Christianity that we all have gone astray and we all need forgiveness and to turn from our wrong ways. Trust is difficult, and I don't think we should trust without question. However, the reality is that many people, in fact most, were taken in by the lies and propaganda of the last three years. Those of us who weren't, we have to work together to break the spell, and as others have their eyes opened we need to welcome them. Some will be quite traumatised by what they discover. I think the best way to consider those who are more high profile, is to look at their motivations, their background and what they are risking. In each of these three cases they pass my test. Andrew Bridgen has broken ranks to stand up for his constituents and use his scientific knowledge to throughly investigate the issues, he has form in that regard, and he has risked his political career and reputation to do so. Aseem Malhotra has a track record of standing up to big Pharma, and going against the medical and political grain to argue that too many drugs and too much sugar and processed foods are causing western illness. Again, he has put his career and reputation on the line in speaking out on the vaccines. John Campbell has a track record of disseminating medical knowledge and training to those who may not otherwise benefit, including his links to medical projects in Africa. He has spent many years carefully considering published articles and research and sharing what he finds. I have heard all three of them admit that they were taken in, and they should have questioned more carefully. They have admitted they were wrong, and they are working hard to make amends. I have watched them carefully, and am prepared to trust them now. That is not a blind trust, it is a calculated trust. Finally, on the issue of guilt, we all make mistakes so we are all guilty in one way or another. What matters is recognising wrong, and turning away from it. I believe that none of us are ever too far gone for that, and God offers us his forgiveness when we repent and turn to him. None of us is perfect, and none of us is always right. I am the first to hold my hand up in that regard!

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Jan 28, 2023Liked by The Owl Tree

I’m a new subscriber via a link on Irreverend. Thank you for this piece.

My question is should say Patrick Vallance or Chris Witty do a u turn next week, apologise and try to make amends will they also qualify for Christian forgiveness and no punishment?

What are your criteria here?

What is your red line?

Because arguably all these people are culpable in this huge and heinous experiment . They’ve all contributed to pushing people towards it and those actions have had very serious consequences.

It could be argued that these early ‘flippers’ have been pushed out there to test the water and you have very kindly given the answers the rest of them were hoping for.

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Thank you, you ask a good question. I would say that no-one is beyond forgiveness, but that doesn't remove the need for accountability and sometimes just punishment. Patrick Vallance, Chris Whitty and the like were responsible for the policy decisions and the propaganda inflicted on us all. They should be held accountable for that. They have shown nothing that would suggest they are in any way contrite, or even acknowledge that they have done anything wrong. In contrast, those who I have mentioned in my article who have changed their position have acknowledged they were deceived and are now working hard to help others to see the truth. There are so many people around us who need to see the truth and need to see they have been deceived. Arguably it will be those who have changed their position who will most easily reach people and wake them up.

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Jan 29, 2023Liked by The Owl Tree

So would you put policy makers and policy followers in the same camp? Where does that leave us? There is a fine line that requires discernment.

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Jan 29, 2023Liked by The Owl Tree

That’s the question I’m asking and you have asked it again.

Where is the line drawn and who draws it?

Free Christian forgiveness pass for Bridgen et al as first cohort to jump ship but what about the next lot, and the next lot?

Where is the red line?

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Can I recommend a podcast I did before Christmas looking at the 'covid amnesty' question. It is episode 20 of the Owl & Badger podcast (link below), and we look at issues of forgiveness, accountability and justice. I think you would find it helpful. The danger of a 'covid amnesty' is that important issues get swept under the carpet, lessons are not learned for the future, and no-one is held to account for wrongs that have been done. I suspect we would both agree on that. https://owlandbadger.podbean.com

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Jan 29, 2023Liked by The Owl Tree

Forgiveness isn't free, instead it comes at cost. This is why Helen's example of the apostle Paul is very apt. We all need this.

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Well said

I couldn’t agree more …

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